10 Simple Ways To Improve WWE SmackDown

9. Less Chat Show Segments

Smackdown fist

Chat shows. WWE loves them; many others hate them. Whether it is Miz TV, The Highlight Reel, or the short-lived Ambrose Asylum, there aren't many weeks where WWE doesn't reel out at least one of these segments.

This is even truer on SmackDown. Whether it's Sami Zayn on the Highlight Reel or AJ Styles on Miz TV, it is an easy way for them to blend feuds together and get as many people on the card as they can. It also often leads to bad television.

Because while the chat show can be incredible - just think back to Piper's Pit - it is too often an awkward, overlong segment that inevitably ends in a Teddy Long style tag-team match. It screams of writers not being able to think up an innovative way of getting people into the ring.

If SmackDown is to be taken seriously, then it is time to ditch this lazy booking. A big step towards that would be the elimination of regular chat show segments.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83