10 Small Changes That Would Improve WWE

9. Let The Wrestlers Cut More Short Promos

The old picture-in-picture promos that would air during Superstars and Wrestling Challenge may have been cheesy, but they were an easy way to get wrestlers 15-30 seconds of promo time.

Maybe WWE shouldn't go back to that exactly, but letting a wrestler cut a brief, preferably unscripted promo right before a match would give more people a chance to talk without the need to write a long in-ring segment or to produce the aforementioned bland backstage interview.

As shown in the accompanying clip from 1988, it took less than a minute for the Hart Foundation to establish the fact that they had turned babyface, they hated their ex-manager Jimmy Hart, and they were out for revenge. Such promos easily could be added live backstage to add to a character's mystique (think the Shield in 2012-13; did they have to be interviewed?) and won't take a lot of TV time.

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John Cena
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I'm a lifelong writer and former newspaper journalist, a full-on Star Wars and wrestling nerd, and a fan of superheroes. I'm also a husband and a dad, and my fondest wish is to instill good values into my children, and to convince them that Han shot first.