10 Smartest Heel Plans In Wrestling History

1. Ole Anderson's Master Plan

Mark Henry John Cena
WWE Network

Ole Anderson had locked horns with Dusty Rhodes throughout much of 1979, with the duo finding themselves at the centre of many a tag team encounter as the former often teamed with Ivan Koloff to take on The American Dream and whoever he'd roped in to the fight on that chosen night.

Yet, at some point down the road, Anderson appeared to have a change of heart.

Turning his back on villainous partner Koloff, Ole started to make pals with the babyfaces of Georgia Championship Wrestling over the next year or so. And it was this shrewd move that ultimately led to an unexpected alliance with Dusty and an eventual steel cage showdown with The Assassins.

Both sides were told to choose a special guest referee for the incoming war, with the heels opting for Koloff and the apparent faces going for Gene Anderson.

But then, before the action could even properly get underway, Rhodes was swiftly thrown into a five-on-one attack, with the unanticipated turn very nearly causing those in attendance to scale the fence to save the battered babyface.

Far from being a sudden attitude adjustment, though, Ole would later explain that he'd dedicated a year-and-a-half of his life to convincing Dusty he could be trusted.

He took beatings from his oblivious pals. Pretended to fight the good fight. And his secret mission to rid the world of Dusty once and for all not only led to Rhodes being utterly massacred inside of The Omni, it also reminded the world why Ole was truly a gloriously evil mastermind to be reckoned with.

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