10 Startling Stories From WWF's New Generation

4. Diesel Stopped Mabel From Being Fired Post-SummerSlam 1995

Just a few months before In Your House 4, McMahon had been left similarly frustrated by one of his big pay-per-view shows. At SummerSlam 1995, the gigantic Mabel (who had earlier won the King Of The Ring in June) clashed with Diesel for the WWF Title in the main event slot. They failed to follow up on a red-hot Ladder Match for the Intercontinental gold between Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels. It was Vince's choice to have the Heavyweight Title bout go on last. It was a poor decision, because the awkward Mabel was not the kind of guy who could get a good match out of Kevin Nash. Worse yet, during the collision Mabel did something the champion had specifically asked him not to. Known for injuring many of his peers, the big man kicked his legs out and sat all of his weight down on Diesel's back. The champ was incredulous, because he had informed Mabel not to perform the move. After the event, Nash was surprised to hear McMahon tear into Mabel and threaten to fire him. Stepping in, he said that the boss would have to sack him too, because he wouldn't stand to see someone lose their job over a simple mistake. Calming down, McMahon decided not to fire Mabel. In essense, Kevin Nash helped his opponent at SummerSlam keep his job.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.