10 Stiffest Wrestling Matches Ever

8. Fit Finlay Vs Steven Regal - WCW Uncensored

Vader Yokozuna Royal Rumble 1996

WCW's Uncensored PPV was a precursor to WWE's Extreme Rules. Each match was supposed to have its own stipulation that would result in an evening of hardcore wrestling action different from any other on the calendar.

Unfortunately, the first Uncensored turned into a big mess (it featured the King of the Road match, one of the most infamous bouts in WCW history). The following year was just as bad, but the show produced one of the most underrated and brutal matches in WCW history - The Belfast Bruiser versus Lord Steven Regal.

Despite the fact that he usually played a snobby heel, Regal is one of the toughest men in wrestling history. The same can be said for the Bruiser, who soon started competing under his old name of Fit Finlay. In this match, they didn't use any weapons besides their bodies - they just hit each other really, really hard.

WCW had a "no blading" policy at the time, but according to both men, officials approached Finlay and Regal beforehand and told them it would be "great" if they could have some blood in the match. To deliver, Finlay hit Regal so hard he broke his nose, causing recurring problems that would eventually cause him to need surgery in 2002.

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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013