10 Stiffest Wrestling Matches Ever

5. Vader Vs Ken Shamrock - In Your House: Cold Day In Hell 

Vader Yokozuna Royal Rumble 1996

When WWE signed Ken Shamrock, it was a major coup. Even though UFC was seen by many as an underground organization, it still had enough press that people knew the main stars. Shamrock, one of the company's early champions, had been profiled on ABC News and given the title of "The World's Most Dangerous Man."

Shamrock refereed the Steve Austin-Bret Hart submission match at WrestleMania XIII, famously taking Bret down when "The Hitman" tried to inflict post-match punishment on Austin, but he wouldn't make his in-ring debut until two months later, taking on Vader in a Pay-Per-View match.

That bout was a submissions- or knockouts-only match in the style of the old UWF, and it was a hard-hitting war. Though Shamrock did have experience as a pro wrestler prior to getting into MMA, he wasn't being paid to wrestle like a pro wrestler, he was being paid to wrestle like a fighter.

He and Vader had an ultra-stiff match that saw Shamrock break Vader's nose and Vader, one of the stiffest wrestlers ever, twice ask "The World's Most Dangerous Man" to lighten up. Eventually, Vader fought back in kind, leveling Shamrock with one of the most devastating lariats in wrestling history. Shamrock eventually won the match, which has gone down in history as WWE's most hard-hitting bout.

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Yokozuna Vader
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013