10 Strange Things WWE Champions Did With The Belt
8. Put It In The Fridge (CM Punk)
Like so many other Chicago natives on the cool summer evening of July 17th 2011, CM Punk got home from work and put his shopping in the fridge before settling in to a relaxing evening not changing the world from his couch.
He'd done that bit at work.
His instantly iconic match with John Cena (and the smash-and-grab victory celebration) was the stuff of legend, redefining the era and eventually the decade of the back of an equally-weighted "Pipe Bomb" promo weeks earlier. Raging against a machine he sought to reconfigure, Punk started his project by intentionally undermining the prestige of the top prize the second he got through his front door.
There was something so wonderfully inspired about all of it - that Punk had gotten home before half of the audience was a reminder of just how close the Allstate Arena was from his beloved home base. That he'd normalised it in such a way was a bonus boy-popper. Punk's iconoclastic words had struck a chord with vast swathes of the existing and lapsed audience - here was his first indication that he was willing to be at one with his people.