10 Strangest Places Wrestling Attires Ended Up

2. Hulk Hogan’s Trunks - Online Auction

Vince McMahon Jacket Fan

It's not uncommon for worn ring gear to command high prices on eBay and other online marketplaces, but...this is effectively someone's pants. At least Randy Savage's gear was a full costume. Last year, someone sold Hulk Hogan's knickers for a healthy sum.

Gotta' get big prices for those smalls, brother!

The best part about all this is that the seller took some time to point out in the item's description that any wear and tear on the trunks was totally Hogan's fault. After all, he was the one dropping legs and actually wrestling inside the ring with them on. They literally said this as though someone buying them would send Hulk a bill for any restoration costs they might incur.

It's believed that the multi-coloured square on the top right is just a sticker of some sort too. Again, it's rather odd that Hogan's pants (ring gear or otherwise) ended up being such a hotly-contested item online.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.