10 Strangest Things Wrestlers Ever Bought

6. Drew McIntyre's Documents From The FBI

Baron Corbin Matt Hardy

In terms of monetary value, the following items likely didn't cost all that much to obtain. However, that doesn't stop them from being an all-round peculiar purchase all the same.

Long before he was Claymoring the heads off of the majority of the Monday Night Raw roster, an 11 year-old Drew McIntyre found himself obsessing over conspiracy theories, and various other mysterious goings on, largely influenced by his subscription to X Factor magazine in the UK - no, not a mag dedicated to the god awful 'talent' show.

Within this publication, McIntyre stumbled upon an article about the new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which meant he could now get access to whatever intriguing documents he so desired. So, the future WWE Champion sent off a letter to the FBI using the template provided in the magazine, requesting documents from the Bureau. Much to his surprise, the mysterious documents were delivered to his address, although much of the meat of the text had been blacked out.

Though that still didn't stop his father from questioning why in the hell the FBI were sending files to an 11 year-old kid. Because he was 'The Chosen One', Father McIntyre...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...