10 Stunning Wrestling Autobiography Admissions

2. Ric Flair Lays Into Mick Foley

On the surface of things, Ric Flair and Mick Foley could not be more different performers - whilst the former favoured a more technical approach to wrestling, the latter was willing to put his body through quite brutal hell in order to entertain the fans. Remarkably, both are perhaps more similar than they would first think, and the pair share an equal amount of zest and passion for the wrestling industry. In a book packed full of stories about parties, living the high life and title victories, Ric Flair's 'To Be The Man' is exactly as most Flair fans would expect, over the top. It's an entertaining read, even more so for those unaware of the early years of Flair's career, before he was the colourful robe-wearing, woo'ing Nature Boy. Throughout the story, two guys get torn into hard, Eric Bischoff and Mick Foley, but it's the artist formerly known as Mankind who comes off worst. Describing Foley as little more than a "glorified stuntman", The Nature Boy doesn't pull any punches with his verbal diatribe, and seems to really have it in for Mick. Responding to the remarks, Foley was less-than-pleased, leading to a lot of tension and heat between the men for a fair few years.
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Bret Hart
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.