10 Stupidest Decisions By WWE In 2005

5. Not Pulling The Trigger On Christian

You know what must suck? When you're a guy that WWE sees a midcard level performer and you somehow find a way to get over, despite a complete lack of interest from the writers and bookers. It almost always ends in you being buried or punished in some way. Just ask Zack Ryder and Daniel Byran... Before those guys had to endure this bizarre punishment, however, Christian set the standard for talented midcarders striking a chord with the masses and being de-pushed because of it. Captain Charisma was on fire in 2005, really showing an improvement and confidence on the stick, as well as changing his ring style to a more main event-friendly one. He oozed confidence and challenged the likes of John Cena to matches and rap-offs in entertaining segments ('Tomko, gimme a beat' 'No'). He got one or two main event matches on Raw out of it but he never won any of them and it was clear that he was just being used as a warm body in those instances. He challenged for the WWE Title at the Vengeance PPV, taking on Cena and Jericho in a triple threat match, but that's as close as he came to the big belt. After failing to win it, he was transferred to Smackdown, where he engaged in a totally uninspired feud with Booker T. Despite being one of the more over acts of the spring/early summer months, Christian didn't appear on the SummerSlam card, which must have been frustrating to him. In early autumn he was right back in the same old US Title midcard spot. Eventually, he decided he'd had enough and, rather than tread the same old water again and again, he chose not to renew his contract, opting to sign with the then-promising TNA instead. WWE really screwed up by not giving Christian more of a shot. The man would have been dynamite in a singles feud with Cena, or could have even turned face for the first time in four years. Alas, it was not to be. WWE allowed him to walk out of the door, right into a high-profile, big-money spot with their No.2 competition.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...