10 Stupidest Looking Wrestling Costumes Ever

8. Arachnaman

Brad Armstrong has had a number of gimmicks over the years - Buzzkill, Fantastia, Badstreet, Candyman and Freedom Fighter, for example - but none were more ridiculous than the short-lived 1991 gimmick Arachnaman. While the gimmick was obviously a rip-off of Marvel superhero Spider-Man (so much so that Marvel threatened legal action against WCW, causing the company to drop it almost as soon as it started), the costume was a cheap, ludicrous imitation of Spider-Man's that more closely resembled that of a gimp. Rather than the red and blue worn by Peter Parker's character, Armstrong's Arachnaman costume was a purple and gold number that looked like his grandmother had made it for him. He really did look pathetic.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.