10 Stupidest Reasons WWE Wrestlers Turned Babyface

2. Mr. Kennedy (WWE Studios Action Star)

Mr Kennedy WWE

At his 2006-2007 peak, Mr. Kennedy was the kind of obnoxious heel fans wanted to see get punched in the mush for aggressively barking his way through intros. '07 ruined that upswing with injuries and then Wellness Policy violations. His fall from grace was sudden, but WWE had something that would save Kennedy's career.

A role in Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia.

When Mr. Kennedy (...KENNEDY!) returned to telly on the 28 April 2008 Raw, he did so as a well-meaning babyface who believed brand GM William Regal was out of control. Rather conveniently, Kennedy also used any and all promo time to remind fans that he was in some WWE-produced action flick, and that they should definitely buy it.

Basically, he turned babyface because WWE had a bargain bin DVD to promote. Feuds with The Undertaker, that Money In The Bank rise and promises that Kennedy could rescue his sagging career in 2008 - it was all washed away so he could play generic army man Carter Holt in a film nobody remembers.

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Kane Lita
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.