10 Stupidest Things That Ever Happened In TNA

9. The 'Lock Box Showdown

TNA Lockbox Challenge
Impact Wrestling

A lot of TNA hardcores would suggest that company output got worse when Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff cracked their whip of influence in 2010. It's hard to argue that when revisiting the 5 April episode of Impact from that very year. On that particular episode, TNA produced the 'Knockouts Lockbox Showdown'.

It was a disaster that made a mockery of women's wrestling.

In one segment, Angelina Love won the Knockouts Title by opening a box, Tara lost the belt by opening one with a spider in it, Velvet Sky bagged an opportunity at the belt in another and Daffney won the...right to strip for the fans. The whole exercise was embarrassing, and it main-evented the show.

Again, older TNA fans will know that the Knockouts division was a strength. Whilst WWE were running bikini contests and gratuitous gimmick matches, TNA's women were having some of the best matches on wrestling TV. That had all-but-ended by the time this 'Lockbox' crap came around.

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Rob Van Dam
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.