10 Stupidest WWE Main Events

8. Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry (Royal Rumble 2006)

Kurt Angle is a professional wrestling machine. Even when the man has been suffering through serious injuries, his in-ring work has consistently been of a very high standard. It's been joked before that the guy could put on a 5-star classic with a mop, but it was with the mop-haired Mark Henry that he had to work with at the Royal Rumble 2006. The feud itself wasn't a problem, because there was a nice context between the wrestlers. Both had been Olympic athletes, and both stood out as intense individuals. That's all fine, but the match did not deserve to headline the Royal Rumble. Not only was there the small matter of the Rumble match itself on the undercard, but John Cena and Edge put together one hell of a bout over the WWE Title. Both those matches would have been better choices than Angle vs. Henry. In a way, it was admirable of WWE to shake things up a little and give both guys the opportunity to show what they could do, but it didn't feel like a strong enough finish to the show. Rey Mysterio's underdog story, winning the Rumble match, would have been a far more memorable finish.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.