10 Superstars Failed By The WWE System
5. Braden Walker
One of the more infamous WWE flops, the former Chris Harris may have caused some of the management disinterest in his career due to reportedly disappointing top brass with his physique and workrate, but the company certainly did an outstanding job of stubbing out what little fire 'The Wildcat' had left.
Skipping developmental upon signing in early 2008, Braden Walker briefly worked dark matches before getting introduced to WWE's third brand ECW via a 'New Talent Initiative', in which superstars would get launched cold onto the show.
As a vehicle for introducing talent to the wider WWE audience, it was failure in itself, giving audiences very little reason to care about a wrestler they were seeing.
In the case of Walker, it should have been different, with a modicum of buzz surrounding one of the first TNA breakout stars making the significant jump. However, WWE shot that down too, feeding Walker an atrociously bad 'Knock Knock' line in a woeful introductory segment.
The promo was a death knell, and alongside some decidedly ordinary in-ring work from Walker, the character was clearly on borrowed time.
Released in August 2008, his stint lasted less than a year and remains the last extended run the former 'Wildcat' had in the industry.