10 Superstars That WWE Need To Push In 2017

9. The Club

emma lina

Yeah really thought what the hell happened with these guys? When they came in they were made to look like one of the most dominant and dangerous teams in the world, then they sniffed around the tag team titles for a bit and...just...flatlined. Then they took out the Dudleys after their retirement speech, made it look like they were back in business and then...just...flatlined. Again. 2017 needs to be the year where WWE take this tag team seriously and push them right to the summit.

Booking Idea: No messing around, here: put them in a tournament to crown the new number one contenders to the tag team titles, have them absolutely crush everyone they face, and position them as the guys that dethrone Sheamus and Cesaro and lead the division moving forwards. They need to be dominant champions as well, so that whoever take the titles off them down the road (HOW YOU DOIN'?!) look great too.

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Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!