10 Surprising Origins Of Your Favourite Wrestling Moves

5. Shooting Star Press: Jushin Thunder Liger

The Shooting Star Press is one of the best and most difficult top rope moves in pro wrestling. The ability to perform a backflip, with forward momentum, all from the confines of the top rope is physically ridiculous when you break down what is required. The difficulty of the move is made pretty clear by the fact that the most famous SSP is that near-fatal Brock Lesnar one.

The greatest junior heavyweight wrestler EVER, Jushin Thunder Liger, is the man (beast? Thing? What is he supposed to be?) attributed with the creation of the spectacular high flying move. To understand the origin of the move itself you first have to understand where Liger's gimmick comes from.

Jushin is a big comic and superhero fan. The name and appearance of Jushin Thunder Liger comes from the anime series Jushin Liger. It's a pretty crazy story about a demonic bio armour, or something; it's weird, just roll with it.

The Shooting Star Press, much like the entire gimmick, is also based off the Japanese comic Fist Of The North Star, where Liger saw one of the characters attempt a manoeuvre similar to what would become the SSP.


Wesley Cunningham-Burns hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.