10 Surprising Superstars With No Place In Triple H's WWE
2. Shane McMahon

A familial link that previously would have favoured Shane McMahon will now work against 'The Boy Wonder' thanks, frankly, to Triple H's quality control bar.
McMahon was a joke without a punchline at the 2022 Royal Rumble, to such an extent that even Vince himself couldn't a*sed having him around. Despite the successes attached to his 2016 return, he'd outlived his usefulness as a character in every role he was given and on either side of the heel/babyface divide. A world once glad to have him had finally had enough, and Triple H's nepotism barely extends past his own nose let alone down to his in-laws.
That's not to say 'Shane-O-Mac' won't be required as a Vince McMahon surrogate once in a while when an ageing family business authority figure is needed for some booking contrivance or other, but expect these to come around about as often as a Triple H defeat did during the reign of terror.