The Patriot spent less than a year with the WWF between 1997 and 1998, yet remains one of the most mysterious locker room figures in the company's history. He appeared a true loner, disliked by both Shawn Michaels' Kliq and The Hart Foundation (the two most influential locker room cliques at the time). With no details ever emerging of any basis for such unpopularity, it remains a baffling case of the locker room simply ostracising a member for no obvious reason at all. Jim Cornette has since expressed similar confusion, but shed some potential light on the situation, claiming that The Patriot (real name Del Wilkes) was a very straightforward man - an uncomplicated professional who simply showed up to do his job, receive his paycheque, and go home. In a business dominated by extroverts and loudmouths, its not hard to see why such a reclusive figure would perhaps be singled out for some unwelcome attention.