10 Tattoos Wrestlers Totally Regret

2. Bron Breakker’s Goldberg Tribute

Bron Breakker Goldberg Tattoo

Kevin Owen's bull tatt wasn't a tribute to The Rock, but Bron Breakker's tribal design was specifically picked out as one to Bill Goldberg. NXT's Breakker admitted that during a recent chat with Ryan Satin's 'Out Of Character' podcast series.

Kudos to the two-time NXT Champ for being honest about something he finds cringeworthy. It would've been easy for Bron to keep this quiet and pretend that he got the ink just because he thought it was random and looked cool. Nah, he chose it 'cause he was a big mark for Goldberg.

What's more, WWE "don't like" that he still has it on his left shoulder.

Breakker told Satin that he'll likely get the tatt covered up at some point in the future. That's not "a priority" right. now, but it's on the 'to do' list. Being honest, it could've been a lot worse; he could've had "173-0" marked on his body to honour Bill's WCW winning streak, or something.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.