10 Terrible Wrestling Gimmicks You Secretly Love

8. Rosey Is A S.H.I.T!

Baron Corbin Sad Bum Ass

S.H.I.T meaning, "Superhero In Training".

Fans cringed at this toilet humour back in 2003, but it did give ex-3 Minute Warning man Rosey some direction as a character babyface. To his credit, Roman Reigns' late brother put everything he had into the gimmick by hamming it up alongside other Hurricane recruits like Super Stacy (Keibler). It wasn't great, but it gave everyone something to do.

It's hard to deny that Hurricane and Rosey were Hurri-brilliant as a tag-team too. They dripped underdog babyface sensibilities, but a big powerhouse like Rosey could flick on his Venom switch mid-match to become unstoppable. In retrospect, it's understandable why WWE creative thought this would be entertaining.

The ride ended when Hurricane turned back into Gregory Helms and said he was sick of carrying Rosey on his back. That heel remark closed the book on the whole S.H.I.T business, and everyone moved on like nothing had happened. It's derided now, but Rosey under the mask was lighthearted fun.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.