Wow, ok, what can be said about The Flying Nuns? Well, they were men. That's probably the most crucial information you need to judge whether or not this team was a success. They were men who dressed as nuns. Whatever you're thinking is correct. In 1996, Charles Warrington and Glen Ruth donned full habits and took to the ring as Sister Angelica and Mother Smucker. They would pretend to bless the crowd, bowing, hands in prayer and after a victory over the Godwinns on Shotgun Saturday Night, they began to be managed by televangical-like character Brother Love, who rechristened them Sisters of Love. However, the company soon bowed to religious pressures (how could the religious lobby not love a man dressed as a nun called Mother Smucker) and after a few months the lovely ladies kicked their habits and went back to the gimmick drawing board. Evidently the two men felt more comfortable in skirts, and they were subsequently rebranded as Mosh and Thrasher, the Headbangers. It was a shrewd move, and the duo rode the increasing wave of grime and filth of the Attitude Era to become some of the company's more enduring icons.