10 Things All Wrestling Fans Thought As Kids

7. Everyone Was Super-Rich

'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase had one of the best gimmicks in wrestling history. Literally living as a millionaire would, DiBiase only stayed at the most plush hotels, ate at the finest restaurants, and was chauffeured around from city-to-city in the best limousines. It must have been a dream for the guy, and helped upkeep the image that the WWF wanted, that the man was an arrogant rich snob, who felt he could throw money at any problem. Better yet, it worked, but DiBiase wasn't the only one young fans felt was in the money. Generally speaking, if a wrestler was on TV, kids surmised that he must be raking in the dough, and extremely well off. Hindsight makes it more simple to see that this wasn't always the case - Barry Horowitz wasn't making enough to live in a palatial mansion, for example. Nonetheless, that was the perception, that professional wrestlers were mega-rich people, every single one of them. There was no real evidence to suggest that the main event level talent would be earning more than the curtain-jerking job guy, because well, why would there be? These were all World Wrestling Federation Superstars, most of them had action figures for crying out loud!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.