10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2002

3. Shawn Michaels Was Supposed To Wrestle Vince

Shawn Michaels returned to the WWE in 2002 after years out with an injury and battling substance abuse issues. The company had wanted to bring Michaels back on several occasions in the past (he did have a recurring role as WWF Commissioner for a time) but HBK's 'demons' always managed to get in the way. Vince called Michaels in May 2002 about possibly coming in and doing a stint with the nWo, who were by on their last legs by that point. When Kevin Nash tore his quad and the group disbanded, Shawn suggested that he work a programme with Vince McMahon. Michaels had worked some gimmicky street fights for his indie promotion TWA and felt that he could do it with WWE as long as it was with somebody like Vince. There wouldn't be the expectation of a classic match against Vince and they could use every shortcut imaginable to entertain the fans. The storyline was going to be Shawn defending the honour of wrestlers that Vince pushed too hard and subsequently got injured (like him and Nash). Vince came back with the idea of Michaels having the street fight against Triple H instead. Although skeptical, Shawn eventually agreed and the rest is history.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...