10 Things You Don't Know About WWE In 1994

3. Jim Ross And Jerry Lawler€™s First Time As An Announce Team Duo Was On WWF Superstars

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are the legendary Hall of Fame announce team that served as the voice of WWF during its most popular time, The Attitude Era, and over the next decade until 2008. But when was the very first time the two of them stepped into the announcer booth together? That would be on the July 2, 1994 edition of WWF Superstars. It was Ross€™s return to the announce booth after a five-month absence, and in that time, Lawler had joined the announce team. The episode of Superstars itself wasn€™t really that memorable, with the big match of the week being Doink the Clown vs. IRS. Ross and Lawler would not commentate full time on Raw until late 1997 when Vince McMahon left the booth for good after the Montreal Screwjob.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.