10 Things You Don't Know About WWE In 1997

8. Jerry Lawler Called Goldust A Very Bad Word On National Television€And Nothing Happened

As part of Goldust€™s face turn in 1997 (and an attempt by the WWF to make their gimmicked characters more human), he ran into Jerry Lawler as the main antagonist. Goldust€™s appeal as a heel was to be androgynous to the point of being homosexual in order to psyche out his opponent. With a face turn looming, the WWF decided fans would get behind him if he was outright straight. The turning point for Goldust as a character was when Lawler outright asked him if he was €œqueer,€ to which Goldust replied €œno€ and punched him. Before Lawler faced Goldust one-on-one, he cut a promo where he called Goldust a€well€the British use the term to describe a cigarette. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aWKM-UZD3E Because WWF wasn€™t corporate yet, and was actively trying to push the boundaries of what they could and couldn€™t get away with on television in an attempt to draw in viewers, Lawler was not punished in any way for his remark. All that happened was Vince giving an apology on commentary immediately after Lawler uttered the slur. What Lawler did in 1997 would be unheard of in this day and age, and he would have been terminated on the spot. However, it was a sign of the times back then (only 17 years ago), where using that kind of language flippantly wasn€™t seen as a big deal.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.