10 Things I Hate About CM Punk

6. He€™s Ragging On People For Being Realistic

Given Punk€™s notorious intolerance for idiots - or people that look at him funny - he exhibited astonishing patience in his first few months of interviews for UFC, answering all of the understandably sceptical questions that people had with a patient equanimity.

Nearly a year and a half later, with an opponent only just named and no date yet set up as to when the two will meet, that scepticism is reaching new heights.

He was already getting justifiable flack for stepping into an unearned contract with the elite of mixed martial arts despite having no fight experience and only minimal training, and at a comparatively advanced age to acquire both. Those two injuries make this inexperienced near forty-year-old rookie seem fragile as well as green.

It€™s not a stretch for people to wonder aloud whether he€™ll ever actually compete, and it€™s certainly not necessarily trolling when people speculate as to whether his signing is anything more than a publicity stunt on Zuffa€™s part.

Despite this, he€™s getting more and more sh*tty with people who call him on this, or who even seem like they might be about to. The frustration may be building, but he€™s got to realise that his credibility is genuinely shot here.

In pro wrestling, CM Punk was the real deal. Sixteen months after announcing his switch to the world of mixed martial arts, he€™s a running joke, not a contender. He should be working on reversing that perception, not making snide, irritated remarks, blowing interviews and blocking people on Twitter.

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CM Punk
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.