10 Things I Hate About Dolph Ziggler

3. He Wrestles Like An Underdog Babyface No Matter What

Since Ziggler throws himself around so much, it always seems as though he's coming from underneath: the scrappy underdog, in over his head but valiantly coming back time and time and time again. There's no quit in Dolph Ziggler, he's got the heart of a champion, yadda yadda yadda... Great stuff if you're in a babyface in a feud with a vicious hoss like Sheamus or Kevin Owens but this isn't a storytelling decision, it's his style. It's how Nick Nemeth the performer has decided his character 'Dolph Ziggler' wrestles, and it's the same way whether he's the last babyface left on the Cena team at the 2014 Survivor Series, battling to the death against the worst villains on the roster for the chance to free his co-workers from tyranny... or whether he's a conceited heel facing Rey Mysterio in a throwaway match on Smackdown. No matter what his alignment is, no matter what his circumstances or the story being told, Ziggler's go-to mode is 'hard-bumping babyface spitfire'. No wonder the fans turned him in 2013. To be fair, he iss really good at it. It's just that, maybe he shouldn't be bringing whisky to every single party he gets invited to? After all, tapas needs a good bottle of red, sushi works best with white and game night is beer night.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.