10 Things I Hate About WrestleMania

8. The Lack Of Intelligent Stagecraft


Clearly the spectacle and the pageantry of WrestleMania are two of its biggest selling points, so keep the Fourth Of July pyro, keep the freewheeling sideshow. What I€™m concerned with is basic stagecraft - and this may be the Grandest Stage Of Them All, but it€™s still just a stage, and one thing always stays the same.

Timing. You have a certain amount of time to fill, and that€™s it: no amount of money, marketing, promotional flair or creative brilliance can turn sixty minutes into sixty-one.

WrestleMania is a massive show, but it€™s timed at four hours for worldwide broadcast. Look at how many matches get relegated to the pre-show these days. Sure, they€™re still being broadcast on the Network with the same production value as the rest of the card and, sure, the participants still get to perform in front of the same crowd€ but they€™re not really on the show, and everyone knows it.

Far too often, the show goes so long that advertised matches on the broadcast card itself are shortened, even cancelled. That€™s terrible stage management. Who€™s running this supposed Show Of Shows?

And what€™s eating up that time? Sometimes marquee matches go long, and that€™s fair enough, but then there are the live bands playing full-length versions of wrestler€™s theme tunes to welcome them to the ring. There are the unskilled €˜celebrities€™ taking part in skits or, worse, actual matches.

There are the mid-level pop, rock and hip-hop stars awkwardly playing a clutch of their hits in front of wrestling fans that, by and large, could not care less about them. There are the vanity entrances for the big stars with lengthy high-concept production and choreography, when the crowd would pop for the opening bars of their theme if they hummed it at them.

I€™ve helped run events, artists and productions on stages from the teeny to the ginormous (yes, those are technical terms), and any decent stage manager could tell you that this is simply incompetence. Considering the vast, state-of-the-art production that WWE has working overtime, we€™d better make that 'stunning incompetence'.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.