10 Things In WWE That Started Awful But Turned Out Great

4. The New Day

Rocky Maivia

When The New Day first debuted, their "Power of Positivity" gimmick was abhorrent. Not only did the trio fail to earn any particularly noteworthy victories in their first few months, but they received adverse reactions from fans due to their detestably-positive white-meat babyface characters.

Luckily, WWE listened to their audience and followed through with turning them heel. In what was a genius move on the part of the creative team, they did not change much about the New Day gimmick; they still retained much of their obnoxious positivity.

That obnoxious positivity became contagious during their now-historic tag team title reign, and the group once again became fan favorites. They have remained fan favorites ever since, and they continue to sell tons of merch, get the most ridiculous things over (like "booty," a trombone, pancakes, etc.), and garner chants of "New Day Rocks!" in arenas around the world.

Though they seemed dead on arrival at first, The New Day is now revered as one of wrestling's greatest factions of all time.


He/him/his. Born in 1992. Lifetime native of Massachusetts. Part-time columnist. Aspiring actor/singer. Black Belt. Twitch Affiliate. Drinks iced coffee all year round. Loves pro-wrestling and MMA.