7. Kassius Ohno Should've Been In The Shield
Let's be brutally honest and say that Roman Reigns has been so much of a failure in WWE that even if he ever succeeded on any level, he'd never be able to overcome just how much of a failure he ultimately has been. Between dropping the ball in the build to Wrestlemania, having a main event push so transparent that even a blind man could see through it, and now literally being attached at the hip to Dean Ambrose's charisma in order to get over, Reigns' rise has been problematic. By comparison, the only thing that Kassius Ohno ever did was not show up to work in shape. However, to that point, Roman Reigns wears a flak jacket, which if Kassius Ohno could've worn, would've hidden his gut. As well, if given the time, Ohno could've easily worked to improve the build of his upper body via weightlifting, and being a less-than-tan Roman Reigns clone would've been quite easily achievable for the wrestler now known (again) as Chris Hero. As well, given that Hero's adept at all styles of wrestling, he would've been far more of an in-ring asset than Reigns is a liability. Reigns isn't a guy who can wrestle with just anyone. However, in being gifted at everything from lucha to Japanese-style and more, Ohno would've certainly been a versatile competitor on the main roster at-present. In this case, hindsight is absolutely 20/20.
Marcus K. Dowling
Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.
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