10 Things Keeping WWE's 'Reality Era' A Fantasy

1. €œWins And Losses Don€™t Matter.€

Current, fourteen time world champion and main eventer of this year€™s WrestleMania says what? This is a huge point of contention in wrestling circles. Fans put stock in wins and losses and to say they don€™t matter kind of makes the entire wrestling thing sort of pointless. What€™s more is that many believe that the WWE puts too much stock in wins and losses itself. The John Cena pattern is hard to ignore. Before his series with Brock Lesnar you€™d be hard pressed to find a match he lost clean in without caveat or excuse. Some slightly more incriminating wins abound in WWE history, for example the aforementioned Triple H coming out of semi-retirement to defeat CM Punk at a PPV only to go immediately back into hibernation. You€™ll remember AJ Lee€™s record run with the WWE tramp stamp title as she counted days of her reign in an echo of her husband. This was conveniently surpassed by six days. Myriad cases like these appear time and again along with out of favour wrestlers falling short a few too many times. Pro-wrestling is really all about the wins and losses. Investing in them creates the most important illusion in any fiction. Reality
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Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.