10 Things Learned From William Regal On talkSPORT

Ever the gentleman, Regal has had a mind-blowing career...

A valued employee of WWE, William Regal is viewed as one of the last of a dying breed in the world of professional wrestling. Definitely one of the most aggressive in-ring talents to ever enter the promotion, Regal's incredible politeness and overall knowledge of the industry he loves is endearing, and the contrast between the real man and his character in front of the cameras is clear. It's not difficult to see why WWE have kept Regal around for so long - a lengthy career has taken the man around the world, meaning he has one of the most vast pools of knowledge that fledgling stars can dip into at will. In essence, the Englishman is ideal for the position he's in as an ambassador and trainer for the company, working extensively as a talent scout and mentor to various WWE personnel. During a recent interview with the Gorilla Position podcast, broadcast on talkSPORT, Regal sat down to discuss at length his fascinating career, and the results were spectacular. The interview is a must-watch for any fan of pro wrestling, and this list explores why. The Blackpool native is an incredibly affable chap, one who also opens up and appears 100% honest throughout.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.