10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About WWE Super ShowDown 2020
So, is The Undertaker the new "BEST IN THE WOOOOOOOORLD"?

The internet was waiting to blow up over Super ShowDown.
It's perhaps unpopular to say, but it's also true. Countless wrestling fans only tuned into WWE's latest excursion to Saudi Arabia so they could type endless f-bombs into Twitter, bash the show as one of the 'worst ever' and decry Goldberg as a Bray Wyatt-killing monster.
Was Super ShowDown excellent? No. Is it going to win any awards for card consistency or crowd participation? Again, not a chance. Did it have an impact on WrestleMania season and shake up a few title scenes heading into the biggest show of the year. You bet your ass it did, but that'll be lost amongst the din of thousands hammering their keyboards in frustration over the finish.
Of course, only a fool would say that Thursday night's show was stellar overall; it was so bland at times that even WWE's staff must've fallen asleep at Gorilla, and they didn't seem to be the only ones nodding off in Riyadh. Still, it wasn't quite the worst wrestling show ever.
Here's everything else either WWE or select fans don't want to acknowledge...