10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About WWE WrestleMania 34

1. You'll Watch It Regardless Of Any Pre-Show Worries

Brock Lesnar Roman Reigns

Whinging tweets will be sent out mid-match criticising WWE for putting Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar on last, younger fans will groan that The Undertaker is taking spotlight away from the full-timers again and the show will last an incredible amount of time.

Through all of that, everyone will be glued to their screens throughout, watching as WWE put on the biggest show of the year. It's WrestleMania, and (individual complaints/preferences aside) it's the one event that almost every wrestling fan tunes into.

Being critical can be easy. Hell, this article itself has included some skepticism about what's going to happen in New Orleans. Just like everyone reading it though, the man writing these words will put life on hold for the day and dedicate 8 April to WrestleMania.

Roman Reigns being pushed as top babyface or not, WWE have established a winning formula around 'Mania. Forget Christmas, this is the most wonderful time of the year.


What else do you think nobody wants to admit about 'Mania 34? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.