10 Things That Happened Last Time Paul Heyman Worked WWE Creative

1. CM Punk's Rise Began

CM Punk Paul Heyman Guy

To close, let's circle back to OVW.

In 2005, WWE posted Heyman to Ohio Valley Wrestling, and it's there that the former ECW mad scientist met CM Punk. On both Heyman and Punk's WWE-produced DVDs, the pair spoke at length about their shared vision for pro wrestling. It was obvious Punk respected Paul from the off, and Heyman saw dollar signs in the straight-edge star's future.

He was the one who went to bat for Punk when others in the company viewed him as a scrawny indy darling who probably wouldn't assimilate to WWE's way of doing things. In a sense, they were right, but Heyman viewed the former ROH stand out as a star-in-the-making who could offer something different to the main roster.

The close bond they developed in OVW is why a 2012 union on screen made so much sense. It was based on reality, because there was such a healthy amount of mutual appreciation there. Heyman was one of the first to spot the potential Punk had, and he admired his outspoken opinions long before anyone else in WWE's system.

What else happened during the periods Paul Heyman was involved with WWE creative? Let us know your memories down in the comments section!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.