10 Things That Need To Be In A Physical WWE Hall Of Fame

7. A Trip Through Every WrestleMania

WWE Warehouse Raw

WrestleMania is Vince McMahon's baby, albeit a baby in their 30s. For over three decades, 'Mania has been seen as the pinnacle of the wrestling business in the Western world, where angles are blown off in huge matches and marquee names of the past return to make the event seem like an unmissable extravaganza. With fans travelling from around the world to attend WrestleMania no matter where it's held, it's clear that it holds a special place in every WWE fan's heart.

With this in mind, an exhibit allowing fans to walk through the history of the event would be a mouth-watering prospect. Every year would have its own space where memorabilia, ring-used gear, and pieces of the set are presented in an engaging and interactive way. You begin your journey at the inaugural event and travel through each year, seeing iconic pieces synonymous with every event. Parts of the pillars from WrestleMania IX, Shawn Micheals's entrance attire from his showdown with The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXV. and the golf cart driven by the competitors in the hardcore championship match at WrestleMania X-Seven... these are just a few examples of the pieces that could be showcased.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!