10 Things That Will Happen When Triple H Takes Over WWE
8. Less Cringe
Triple H is by no means averse to the odd bit of toilet humour. He spent most of his early run slapping his crotch as a founding member of D-Generation X, a role he would later reprise in the late-2000s alongside a born-again forty-something Shawn Michaels (so cringe - it would seem - isn't exactly an issue for him, either).
But it's commonly assumed that Vince McMahon himself - who, apparently, can't get enough of slapstick comedy - is the brains behind most of WWE's cringe-inducing backstage skits. Once Triple H takes over, we can probably expect that sort of stuff to be promptly shown the door.
In its place, 'The Game' might instead favour intensely serious sit-down interviews, or clips of Shawn Michaels indiscriminately kicking lowly production workers in the face. One of the two.