10 Things That Will Happen When Vince McMahon Returns To WWE
3. Sami Zayn’s Push Could Be Affected
Oh sh*t.
Sami Zayn is precisely the kind of name who'd come up in creative meetings as a possible rival for Roman. In fact, that seems to be the route Triple H wants to take with Sami, and turning him into a sympathetic underdog babyface who's been brutally ejected from The Bloodline sounds like 2023's best wrestling story already.
It's nightmare fuel to imagine that Vince might swan back into meetings and cancel this simmering story that's already underway. McMahon clearly likes Sami, because he was occasionally booked well during Vince's first run, but he probs doesn't see him as the kind of dude who'd realistically tussle with Reigns.
Sorry, even reading this must be a major bummer for those looking forward to that post-'Mania treat. It's the kind of tale that could see SmackDown through the entire summer, but it might give way to some crummy Lesnar repeat or a Bill Goldberg comeback.