10 Things That Would Happen If Conor McGregor Joined WWE

6. The Promos

Following the victory over Cena, WWE should space McGregor's appearances out. It is supply and demand, they don't want to dilute his value. That's one of the things about UFC, they rotate their stars, they don't have the same people featured each and every month.

McGregor should be promoted for a PPV like Hell In A Cell, with the sell literally being that he's just there to cut a promo. That's what he's all about, talking, and he's so good at it that it is worthy of being sold as a special segment. A little like the way they sold The Rock at WrestleMania 32.

At the PPV, he should just do his thing, talk away. The entertainment value of that is pure gold and will be a highlight of the night. He really doesn't need to do much more.

They should then do similar things occasionally on Raw, a video promo here, an in person promo there. It could also be an idea to do UFC style press conferences. McGregor is great at those, and there's no reason why they shouldn't work in a WWE context.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.