10 Things That Would Happen If TNA Goes Out Of Business

9. WWE Buys TNA?

Vince Mcmahon Tna Wrestling Although Vince McMahon has history after buying WCW, the possibility of him purchasing the Nashville organisation is highly unlikely. WWE have barley blinked an eye at any of TNA€™s movements in their whole history and have yet to really steal any of their talents. Samoa Joe may be about to make the move in the near future and Awesome Kong had a tragically brief stint in WWE but there is little to no interest from WWE in anything remotely about TNA. WWE have their eyes firmly set on UFC and prizing away the fans from MMA back to professional wrestling. However, for a wrestling purist, there would be a lot of potential in a crossover between the two organisations with a lot of fresh matches and storylines becoming available. Maybe WWE could learn from all the mistakes they made with the WCW and ECW invasion angle and implement them here. However, TNA as a company are miles away from attaining the stature WCW had, even in their diabolical, dying days which is quite sad. Although you may never say never in the wrestling industry, you can pretty much rest assured this won€™t happen.
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