10 Things To Expect From WWE Raw Tonight (April 11)

3. A Wade Barrett Singles Run

AJ Styles

Wade Barrett's time in the League of Nations was brought to an unceremonious end last week, as he was turned on by his fellow 'Lads' and beaten down in the middle of the ring.

This would be the perfect opportunity for WWE to give Wade one last singles run before his contract expires in the summer. Although it seems so long ago now, he was legitimately one of the top heels in the company as the leader of the Nexus in 2010 - and probably should have won the WWE Championship from John Cena at some point. 

For his longevity, loyalty, and severely underrated ability, Barrett should be given a memorable feud to go out on. Hopefully we'll see the beginnings of such a run tonight, perhaps even a babyface campaign against his former friends. 

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