10 Things We Just Learned From Triple H About NXT & WWE

1. It's Very Much Still His Baby

Triple H Instagram NXT

If you follow Triple H's Instagram, you'll notice he posts a lot of pictures of him backstage at Full Sail, pouring over NXT footage. There's very much a sense that he's standing on the touchlines watching his child take fledgling steps towards sporting greatness. He certainly seems to swell with pride when he talks about the brand.

"It's hard sometimes for me to image that, just a few short years ago, that NXT was just kind of a concept that we had and how quickly it's become something so much more than that.It's huge. For me... I feel like sometimes like a dad with NXT and watching characters come through here and seeing stars that come in with either no level of skill at what we do or with an amazing level of skill at what we do, but I watch them change from the time they walk through the door to become something more."

Seriously, he couldn't sound more like the brand's Dad if he tried. So much for the fallacy of Triple H the talent burier...

"Sometimes, they come in. Some adapt faster than others. Some don't. But, watching them adapt and grow, watching somebody like Finn Balor change and morph and become so much more has been... an amazing experience."And I look forward to the opportunity of getting to see them through the years, you know, watching guys... Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns... watching the Wyatts over the years, watching just all of that come out of here and kind of grow and blossom into something more has been an amazing opportunity.And especially with the women, you know... watching Charlotte and Sasha and Becky Lynch and just the women that have come out of NXT sort of change the industry for themselves has been hugely rewarding."

Job satisfaction, thy name is Triple H.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.