10 Things We Learned From Brock Lesnar's UFC 200 Victory

1. Yes, Brock Lesnar Can Take A Punch

brock lesnar ufc 200
John Locher/AP

This is, perhaps, one of the dumbest arguments in the history of dumb arguments. It started years ago, during Brock Lesnar's first MMA run, and it goes like this: Brock Lesnar can't take a punch. He doesn't like getting hit in the face.

This argument has two key points, and both are flawed. Lets start with point number two first: Supposedly, Brock Lesnar doesn't like getting hit in the face. To which the obvious answer should be "well, who does?" Especially in the UFC heavyweight division, no one "likes" getting hit in the face. The question is, how do they react to it? Supposedly "poor" reaction to strikes were the crux of this argument, but it still falls shot.

So to point number one: Brock Lesnar can't take a punch. Years ago, at UFC 116, Lesnar withstood a barrage of heavy, heavy strikes from Shane Carwin, the Interim Heavyweight Champion at the time, barely escaping the first round of the fight. Any question as to whether Lesnar could take a punch should have died after he came back and won the fight in the second round. Instead, Lesnar's detractors carried on with this line of thinking.

At UFC 200, however, Lesnar himself declared that "the mystery's gone. I guess I can take a shot." Very true. While he didn't get tagged with a knockout blow (obviously), Lesnar ate several stiff punches from Mark Hunt, the most vicious striker in the UFC, and lived to tell the tale. Debate over.

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Brock Lesnar
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.