10 Things We Learned From Bruce Prichard's The Radicalz Podcast

3. Perry Saturn's Moppy Schtick Was Supposed To Enhance Him

radicalz wwe

Possessing a unique, chiselled look and overall menacing aura, Perry Saturn nonetheless lacked superb verbal skills on the microphone to complete the package. It's fair to say that this held him back during his career, specifically throughout his WWF run from 2000-2002. Once The Radicalz split up, it seemed management didn't really know what to do with the guy.

Eventually, Saturn was turned into a comedic babyface who became infatuated with a household mop. The inanimate object was named 'Moppy', and Perry even spurned the advances of Terri Runnels in order to show his love for the thing. Even though ridiculous, the idea got over.

Bruce Prichard says that the Moppy shtick was designed to help Perry Saturn, not make fun of him. The creative team believed he didn't really have much personality, and couldn't cut a good promo. Therefore, why not turn him into something funny and try to draw something extra out of him?

That was the logic behind Saturn's bizarre character, Prichard says on the podcast that it wasn't supposed to do anything other than enhance his performance levels.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.