10 Things We Learned From Corey Graves' New WWE Podcast

3. He Also Wanted NXT's Entire Women's Division At Once

NXT Four Horsewomen

One day, Vince called Triple H up and said, "Hey, we need your entire women's division". When Trips asked who he needed specifically, McMahon changed his wording, said, "Well, not the whole thing" and then revealed that he did in fact want everyone.

His whims wreaked havoc with NXT plans in the short-term.

That's another reason why Triple H was so determined to keep Asuka around on the brand for as long as he possibly could. Big names like Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Alexa Bliss and Carmella were summoned by McMahon, and that left NXT female ranks a little thin.

Triple H told Corey that NXT's new slot on the USA Network means there's more parity between the one-time developmental brand and both Raw and SmackDown. It's no longer looked upon internally as a hunting ground for the "main shows".

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Corey Graves
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