10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Terry Gordy

5. A 1998 Shoot Interview Angered Family

Dark Side Of The Ring Terry Gordy

This is skipping forward in the timeline a bit, but it follows on from the prior entry.

In 1998, Terry sat down for a shoot interview with RF Video that caused immense distress back home. Gordy's young family were proper p*ssed when they saw him fumbling for words and tripping over himself as interviewers hurled endless questions his way. It was obvious to anybody watching that Terry was a confused mess.

Miranda doesn't think doing the interview was a good idea, and wanted the folks conducting it to just leave her dad alone. Instead, they went deep on the saddest period of Terry's life and career, and he got emotional when reflecting on everything. At one point, Gordy even apologised to fans for overdosing and thus ruining his career.

The family thought the shoot exploited Terry when he wasn't mentally strong enough to push back and say enough was enough. Clips of the interview show Gordy zoning out as the interviewers line up their next questions. It's a depressing visual.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.