10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: WWE's Plane Ride From Hell

7. “I Am Going To Lick You”

Dark Side Of The Ring

Brace yourself for some horrible recollections from Doyle.

The air hostess recalled offering a totally out of it Scott Hall some breakfast early during the flight. She says Hall then pulled her down by her shirt and drooled, "I am going to lick you". Nothing else happened (thankfully), but Heidi was shaken up and stayed in the kitchen for the rest of the journey.

Despite never appearing once as a talking head, Scott did narrate a short bit to say he thinks Curt Hennig gave him a "H Bomb" (Halcyon sleeping pills dropped into a drink). Justin Credible also remembered having to lie to airport staff that Hall had a medical condition; they wouldn't have made it through the arrivals lounge otherwise.

Watching Heidi stumble her way through this awkward exchange is distressing. Christ only knows how terrified she was for the rest of the trip. Even more depressingly, that's just the beginning of her nightmare-filled flashbacks.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.