10 Things We Learned From Eric Bischoff’s Podcast: New World Order

7. Bischoff Wrote Hall’s First Promo An Hour Before It Happened

Scott Hall WCW

Looking to give some proof that'd illustrate the borderline patchwork nature of the angle's genesis, Bischoff told Thompson he penned Scott Hall's legendary debut promo "an hour or so" before the 27 May 1996 episode of Nitro went on the air.

With Hall standing behind him giving pointers, Eric punched the wording into a computer and then ran through the bullet points with Scott before he emerged from the crowd to give his introductory speech. It wasn't quite as finely-tuned as fans at the time probably thought.

Bischoff also isn't sure that Larry Zbyszko told Hall (as Scott claimed himself) to come through the crowd, not down the aisle. Whilst Eric did admit it's possible Zbyszko had a hand in it, he also recalled a flurry of activity in the few hours before Nitro and thinks it could have been anyone.

Regardless, Larry is the one Hall credits.


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